Green Gazette
The Green Gazette No 104 May - June 2024
The proposal to build the maximum security prison on the Swan Islands was promoted
through the National Defense and Security Council (CNDS) of the Government of the current president
Xiomara Castro, after the massacre of forty-one six women in the National Women's Penitentiary of Social Adaptation (PNFAS) in the month of June of the year 2023. The proposal arises justifying itself in the crisis of the Honduran prison system, seeking to send away the leaders of organizations criminals and involved in corruption issues. The maximum security prison would have a capacity of two thousand prisoners.
Green Gazette No 103 March - April 2024
Mid-month and we are still waiting for the rains, literally, like “May water”. And while there are several reasons to want it to rain, we are particularly pressed by one: air pollution, which has reached alarming levels and has remained almost unchanged for several weeks now.
The Green Gazette No 101 November to December 2023
In the month of December, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) also known as COP 28 was held. The Conference was held in Dubai, a city in the United Arab Emirates, a nation recognized worldwide for its massive oil production industry. This also called “black gold” has made this country one of the richest in the world. But, with the current state of the climate emergency, it is inevitable to ask: at the cost of what?
Green Gazette No 100 September to October
In this editorial note we are inspired by the phrase “Information is power”, something that we have heard more than once and whose original idea is attributed to the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. In IDAMHO workshops and talks, when we refer to the right of access to information in general, and environmental information in particular, we use this phrase to introduce the topic and the participants have expressed their agreement. But what does the power that information gives consist of?
Green Gazette No 98 May to June 2023
June 5 was established as World Environment Day at the first international conference to make the environment an important issue, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. The Stockholm Summit, also known as the Stockholm Summit, was held in 1972 and since 1973 this day has been celebrated with different themes, which has become the platform